This only applies, if there has been selected cancellation service when buying the ticket
We recommend that you buy both a travel insurance and a cancellation service before you travel – both when you travel in Greenland, in Europe and the rest of the world. You will feel comfortable knowing that you will receive help if you, e.g. fall ill, get injured or lose your baggage.
Travel insurance
A travel insurance is a good investment, both when travelling to Greenland and throughout the rest of the world. Enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that you can receive help, both financial and in other ways, if you or a member of your family suffer an injury or lose their baggage while travelling. If you buy a continuous trip with Air Greenland, we will take care of you on the entire trip. If you are traveling with two different companies, we recommend that you purchase a late-arrival insurance.
We recommend that you check with your local insurance agency in order to get guidance and choose the right insurance for you.
Cancellation Service
It's only possible to buy cancellation service at the same time as the ticket is purchased.
If you buy a cancellation service, your expenses for the flight tickets will be covered and refunded, if you or a member of your family fall ill, or if there has been a death in the family, prior to the departure. The cancellation service doesn't cover during the vacation.
If you want to cancel a trip that is covered by our cancellation service, you must download the cancellation form, which you must fill out and send to
You can download the cancellation form here: Form for Cancellation Service »
Terms of service
When can I use the cancellation service?
The cancellation service can be used when the trip cannot be started due to death or acute illness of the person indicated on the ticket, his family or travel companion.
However, a maximum of three people who have purchased a cancellation service can cancel with reference to the same travel companion.
In the event of an acute illness, please note that the cancellation service cannot be claimed if the acute illness that is the cause of the cancellation was present at the time of purchase of the cancellation service, unless there is an unexpected deterioration in an existing or chronic illness.
If the trip cannot be completed, Air Greenland A/S must be notified as soon as possible and no later than 2 hours before departure. In case of cancellation later than the time of departure, the cancellation service can not be claimed and the ticket can thus not be refunded.
Who is covered by the cancellation service?
Persons listed on the ticket for which the cancellation service was purchased.
When am I covered?
You can make use of the cancellation service from the time of purchase of the ticket until the travel date (as indicated on the ticket).
When should the cancellation service be purchased?
The cancellation service must be purchased in connection with the purchase of the ticket.
What are the costs of the cancellation service?
The persons affixed to the ticket may have the actual price of the ticket refunded. Credit card fees, cancellation fees and other fees are non-refundable.
How to use the cancellation service
If you want to make use of the cancellation service, you must notify Air Greenland A/S when filling in the cancellation form.
When the form has been completed, this and relevant documentation must be sent to Air Greenland A/S by email
The following documentation must be sent to us together with the cancellation form:
If cancellation occurs due to acute illness, a medical certificate must be sent.
Air Greenland A / S reserves the right to demand additional health information provided if Air Greenland A / S deems this necessary in order to assess whether use can be made of the cancellation service.
Any expenses for obtaining a medical certificate as well as additional information are borne by the person who will make the cancellation service valid, and Air Greenland A / S is irrelevant and is not refundable.
- If cancellation occurs as a result of death, a copy of the front page of the death certificate must be submitted.
Venue and choice of law
Lawsuits against Air Greenland A/S must be brought before the Court in Greenland and must be decided in accordance with Greenlandic law.
Acute illness:
Acute illness means a new-onset illness, a well-founded suspicion of a new-onset serious illness or an unexpected worsening of an existing or chronic illness.
By family is meant the spouse, cohabitant, children, grandchildren, in-laws, parents, in-laws, siblings, grandparents, sister-in-law and brother-in-law of the person shown on the ticket.
Travel companion:
Travel companion means a person who has the same ticket as the person making the cancellation service.